111. The Princess Diaries

The Princess Diaries (2001)

Director: Garry Marshall

Anne Hathaway, Héctor Elizondo, Julie Andrews

Synopsis: Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) is an awkward teen who, along with best “friend” Lilly (Heather Matarazzo), is just trying her best to survive high school and the constant bullying from Lana (Mandy Moore). Her social (and financial, probably?) status changes overnight when she learns from her grandmother Queen Clarisse (Julie Andrews) that she is the heir to the definitely real European nation of Genovia. With the help of the incredibly cool driver/body guard/presumed secret assassin Joe (Hector Elizondo), Mia must learn how to be a princess without forgetting her humble beginnings.

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

The Episode

We recall The Princess Diaries (2001), to determine if Annie Hath is truly fine. We're delighted by Sandra Oh and Mandy Moore, and a surprise ice cream man. Plus, Mia's friend is kind of a 'B.'



On a Scale of 0-5 Hot Earl Bad Earl Grey

The Trailer

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