116. Pretty Woman

Minimalistic illustration of necklace in box from the movie Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman (1990)

Director: Garry Marshall

Starring: Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Jason Alexander

Synopsis: Edward (Richard Gere) is a wealthy businessman who makes money by buying businesses and breaking them up. Vivian (Julia Roberts) is a sex worker working on the streets of Los Angeles. While on a business trip, Edward picks up Vivian, and the two form a quick connection. Edward hires Vivian to play his girlfriend for the week. Despite the differences between them and their worlds, they fall for each other.

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

She’s so charming, and then this marionette filled with money...
— Also Dan

The episode

We recall Pretty Woman (1990) starring Julia Roberts and a cardboard cutout. We discuss the MCU (Marshall Cinematic Universe), hotdog carts, and butts.


The Ratings

On a scale of 0-5 No Hot Dog Carts

The Trailer

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