62. It's a Wonderful Life

061 - The Karate Kid_Square.jpg

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

Director: Frank Capra

Starring: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore

Synopsis: Coming soon.

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

The Episode

Every time a bell rings, we recall It's a Wonderful Life (1946). Jaquette tries to guess what the movie is about, we bet we might cry, and we all attempt James Stewart impressions at one point. Plus, Zuzu's petals!


The Ratings

Data to Come

The Trailer

Totes Regrets

By Dan “Also Dan” Linden

There were a couple of doozies in the first 20 minutes or so of this episode, so let me take a moment to rectify those:

1) I foolishly said that the United States didn't enter World War II until about a year before the war ended, which is very much not the case. In my defense, that's kind of an accurate statement for the First World War (I said, kind of, don't @ me). Clearly I didn't pay very close attention in history class.

2) Cary Grant, not James Stewart, is the star of North by Northwest. We all just assumed we were correct because we all remembered that the movie starred a handsome and charming movie star, and...
...that Cary Grant is a very handsome and charming movie star.

One thing I don't regret is finding this image with very little effort. Why does it exist? Who's to say? Probably whoever made it. Sorry, anonymous content creator! Tweet at us. #whodatJimmy&CaryVfan

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