63. Mary Poppins

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Mary Poppins (1964)

Director: Robert Stevenson

Starring: Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke

Synopsis: Coming soon.

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo, it’s me I’m a chimney sweep let’s bang-a-roo.
— Dan

The Episode

We recall Mary Poppins (1964) as a jolly good time and probably the source of all of our OUTSTANDING cockney accents. Plus, we play one of our favorite games, Did They Bang?


The Ratings

Data to Come

The Trailer

Totes Regrets

By Dan “Dan” Jaquette

Vampire banker drinks a tall glass of milk.

Molly wanted to include the actual facts about the whole no-red-in-the-movie demand from Saving Mr. Banks as a Totes Regret. I have no regrets and never will because I'm an invincible Dracula who will live forever. That said, I love all my co-hosts, so here's the scoop as best I can tell. According to this article, which I spent more than five minutes looking for, P.L. Travers did demand there be no red in the movie, probably just to irritate Disney. Obviously, he ignored her since red is everywhere. See Mary Poppins' non-floppy lady tie, etc...

EpisodesTotes Recall2019