4. The Silence of the Lambs

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The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Director: Jonathan Demme

Starring: Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Ted Levine

Synopsis: Coming soon.

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

No one has gotten help moving a sofa into the back of a van since this movie.
— Molly

The Episode

Happy Halloween from Totes Recall! To celebrate the spooky times, the crew recalls The Silence of the Lambs (1991). They remember Buffalo Bill dancing like a Harlem Globetrotter. Molly remembers a moment of levity. And they each predict their number one creep time.


The Ratings

Did you enjoy the movie more or less than the last time you saw it?

Dan: No change

Molly: Did not answer

Also Dan: More

Beth: Did not answer

The Trailer

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