14. Jurassic Park

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Jurassic Park (1993)

Director: Steven Spielberg

Starring: Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough

Synopsis: Coming soon.

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

To be fair, they were Pelicans, which look like Pterodactyls.
— Beth

The Episode

Hold onto your butts! We watched Steven Spielberg's action dino flick, Jurassic Park (1993). It was hard for any of us to forget the T. rex or Jeff Goldblum's performance, but what about the presence of pterodactyls or Samuel L. Jackson?


The Ratings

Data to Come

The Trailer

Totes Regrets

By Dan Linden

Hey, guys. The angrier Dan here. So here's the deal. I made a lot of bold statements about dinosaurs in this episode without bothering to consider if I was actually remembering facts or blurring the reality presented by JP or just making shit up altogether. So it's time for everyone's favorite Totes Recall segment, Dinosaur Fact Check. Onward!

Gallimimus - The awesome flock of awesome dinosaurs that jump over a log (psst! not really. COMPUTERS!) were, in fact, carnivores. Wikipedia calls them "speedy predators." So good on Sam Neill for jumping behind that log. I probably assumed they were herbivores because no one's arms or butts were ripped off while they were on screen.

Dilophosaurus - The crazy spitting dino that killed Dennis Nedry did not have frills NOR did it spit venom. I probably thought it actually spit stuff, because I wanted it to be true SO BAD, because it's AWESOME.

Procompsognathus - The "compys" that were NOT in this movie. Jaquette says they eat eggs, and I agree with him. I can find no evidence this is a thing...for THEM. There are other dinosaurs that were thought to eat eggs, but now they think maybe they didn't. Ugh, get it together, science!

Dinosaurs with feathers - BOOM. Nailed it. (National Geographic article)